Sunday, October 28, 2007

my misery

Punk is no longer herself, shes lost herself to the deathly metal gods. She no longer holds that inner self persona that she had about herself. She wanted to break free from the bonds of fiction and for once be glad she's in the real world.
There she was led by the stranger with deep dark eyes, promising nature and loving aura into the deep dark dungeon of sorrow...

sounds like a very good start for a story. I've noticed, my blog seem more like as if I've got nothing but to crib about my damsel in distress situation, coz here i blame everyone who have made hell outta my life. In fact they do nothing wrong, i believe i turn stronger every time i taste the dust.

Like, for example, I've written about Shantanu here. Honestly i was smitten by him, but soon after i was in a relationship with him i realized, we were perfect, but not for each other. i was the horrid person. Then it was Dev, yeah he was nice i really couldn't get over him for like a llong time, but then someone made me realize after much convincing, how i was missing out on waht i had.

it takes a lot of effort to sit and actually wonder what are the things that perturb you the most, but just one little thing that can pull you out of misery. it depends on what kind of a situation you are in, the little thing can either be an apology you have to make, or just a few things you need to clarify with your ex boyfriend.

my misery is that I feel, something like a relationship can actually make me feel better about myself. But there again I miss out on all my passion for life which actually help me to move on in life. Be it my love for books & music, or helping out friends. I always miss out on these things and crib about not having the perfect guy.

And about Dev, an apology i have to make to him. I bothered him by crying about him all the time. The very fact that i could actually move on, saying that,"This guy is gonna have a nice time getting hold of a lotta chicks, who draw away from men, coz they think they are gonna hurt them." But no i cried about him all the time, and I'm glad i'm actually taking this step of having a lil chat with him, asking him why he broke up with me. which will be my tiny lil reason of relief...


Now playing: Demonic Resurrection - My Misery
via FoxyTunes